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Monthly Status Report
So far, it seems like 2020 is a good year for consistency, but a bad year for actual productivity. I’ve been spending most of my “writing” time on critiques and podcasts, learning and absorbing rather than doing. But I think it is all good, and useful. I think I do alternate between fallow and fertile periods, and I know I will come back to a fertile period when I am ready. I have the luxury of a day job, but at the same time, I do want to get back to it.
That said, I have a new desk with more filing cabinets (really just a board on top of the filing cabinets), and so I am looking forward to getting back to my main revision now that I have all that extra space!
Optional Monthly Question
Every month, there is an optional question you can answer. I like them because they usually allow me to share more about myself as a writer and as a person in a way I might not have thought of myself. So, here is this month’s question:
March 4 question – Other than the obvious holiday traditions, have you ever included any personal or family traditions/customs in your stories?
I feel like I have, but of course, as is often the case, I can’t think of one right now. I know in the first draft of the novel I am revising, I had two long “scenes” that I had to cut about personal things. But they were things that didn’t really belong: how I put together a jigsaw puzzle, and how I like to make my ramen. Both were long pointless passages of exposition that had nothing to do with the story, and really didn’t even give much character to my character.
I can’t really think of anything else at the moment, but I might add Mr. So to my cozy series. Mr. So was called Mr. So because my dad’s first name started with S. He is a personal family elf during Christmas time. I can’t remember all the traditions around Mr. So, but I could see adding a kind of house-fairy to my cozy series. Maybe not related to Christmas.
I think this could add a lot of flavor actually!
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Twitter is @TheIWSG Hashtag: #IWSG
And here are the awesome co-hosts for the March 4 posting of the IWSG!
Jacqui Murray
Lisa Buie-Collard
Sarah Foster
Natalie Aguirre
Shannon Lawrence
Hopefully you learned some things that will help your writing by attending the podcasts. Hope you get back into your writing this month.
Thank you! I feel I have learned a lot.
Adding a house fairy sound perfect. ๐
Anna from elements of emaginette
Thanks! It sounds like a good idea to me, too!