Monthly Status Report
So first off, I missed an IWSG post for the first time last month. I should have done it at the end of October, but I was working on the stories for the Storytime blog hop (mine and V. S. Stark’s – not writing hers, obviously, but getting it set up), which were due October 31, and then suddenly it was November.
And November is National Novel Writing Month. I did write something for IWSG, but I never got around to revising. And because the first Wednesday of December is the second… Well, it is STILL November, but this time, I am writing directly on my website and being careful so it actually gets done.
On the upside, November is National Novel Writing Month, and probably my favorite time of the year! This year got off to a slower than usual start, but I am making up for it. I may not get to my 111,111 word dream goal, but I am currently at 82,000 and nearing the end of the novel, so it’s been a good month.
I also discovered something else about myself this month. I don’t actually want to write better first drafts. I mean, I do, but not that much. I received an email newsletter containing some advice about when to write description, and my immediate response was to dismiss it — not as bad advice, but as advice for revision. I started thinking of all the times I have needed to write badly in order to get a better story, and I realized that I’m not actually willing to let go of that. My fear of stifling my writing into boredom is stronger than my desire to have less revision work. It was an eye-opener to be sure, but a valuable one. Of course, that does mean I need to actually finish my revisions, yes?
I also started streaming on Twitch. I will need to add a button alongside the other social icons I have on this website, but in the meantime, you can catch me at https://www.twitch.tv/ravenofiernan where I will be streaming writing sessions and answering questions. Overall, November has been a fun and productive month.
Optional Monthly Question
December 2 question – Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?
If you have gotten this far in the post, you can probably guess the answer. YES! I am NOT a tortoise in the writing world. I am definitely the hare, and I have to agree with the moral of that story: slow and steady WOULD be better. I have serious spurts and slumps, even within the month. Yesterday was my wordiest day of the year so far at 13,645 words, but on the 19th, I only wrote two words. And let’s not talk about the rest of the year.
As for why? I don’t know actually. I think I just go through cycles. There are times when I am very productive with writing, and then other times when I am more productive with other things (cooking, modding Skyrim, doing cover/website work, etc.), and still other times when I just want to curl up and do nothing but read or watch TV/movies, or consume fiction in other ways.
I would like, at some point, to actually level these out a bit, but in the meantime, I enjoy my process. I am never truly bored!
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Twitter is @TheIWSG Hashtag: #IWSG
The awesome co-hosts for the December 2 posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, Sylvia Ney, Liesbet @ Roaming About Cathrina Constantine, and Natalie Aguirre!