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Monthly Status Report
As usual, December was a slow month on the writing front, but I am happy to say that there was some important progress made. First, my evening routine. My evening routine consists of doing dishes, writing down what I am going to eat the next day, and writing for at least 15 minutes. To be honest, the writing part happens more often than the other two parts, and I managed it most days this month. I had a few non-writing days, particularly due to the holidays and just feeling tired at the end of the month, but overall, this is sticking. The downside to that is that I am beta-reading another writer’s novel, and that’s what I ended up putting into the writing session slot, with the understanding that I am learning from doing the review.
The other positive this month is that, following Nano, where I routinely did 3-5 hour writing marathons (with breaks!) on Fridays and Sundays, I decided that meant I could certainly do an hour of writing in the morning on Sundays. As a result, I finished a short story, and it is out to beta readers now. It’s one I’ve been struggling with for a long time. I enjoy having this time, and I might add Friday mornings at some point, too. For reference, I work Saturdays, but don’t start work until 3pm on Mondays and 4pm on Fridays, so I do have time in the earlier part of the day.
Optional Monthly Question
Every month, there is an optional question you can answer. I like them because they usually allow me to share more about myself as a writer and as a person in a way I might not have thought of myself. So, here is this month’s question:
January 8 question – What started you on your writing journey? Was it a particular book, movie, story, or series? Was it a teacher/coach/spouse/friend/parent? Did you just “know” suddenly you wanted to write?
This is a difficult question. I know when I was very little, if my mom went somewhere and I was home with my dad, he and I would make little picture books. I still remember Norris the Nose! These were mainly just drawings with titles, but we stapled them up and they looked rather book-like. I also made similar stories with My Little Pony stamps/stickers. So, that was pretty little.
But something changed by the time I got to third grade because there was a creative writing prompt that started, “If I ever met a ghost…” and my response was just a single end to that sentence — “it would be a nice ghost like Casper” — and there was no additional story involved. I don’t know if I just had writer’s block or if I just wasn’t interested. I know I felt extremely clever at not making the ghost scary, which is what I thought we were “supposed” to do (in retrospect, there probably wasn’t any “supposed to” — I have a tendency to assume that sort of thing and then deliberately go in the opposite direction out of perversity).
Then, in fifth grade, we had to write these letters to our parents every Friday about what happened that week. Now, there is a reason I don’t write memoir. I find my own life incredibly boring. Also, I had a good relationship with my parents and told them what I did every day at dinner. So this exercise seemed both pointless and redundant. I was watching some soap operas at the time, so I made these letters as creative as I could (I remember at least one time my teacher telling me I had to redo it because it wasn’t what really happened during the week) using characters from the soap operas and making the events seem more interesting than they really were.
By sixth grade, I was committed to writing, and have been writing off and on (some periods in my life, like grad school, more off than on) ever since.
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Writers supporting, encouraging and learning from each other. Post on your own blog about your struggles, your triumphs, and your successes. Talk about your works in progress: the good, the bad and the ugly or some other writing relating topic on your mind. Read others, interact, comment, and grow within this wonderful author community. Every month there is an optional question for those who may need help figuring out what to post about.
Twitter is @TheIWSG Hashtag: #IWSG
And here are the awesome co-hosts for the January 8 posting of the IWSG!
T. Powell Coltrin
Victoria Marie Lees
Stephen Tremp
Renee Scattergood
J. H. Moncrieff
Me too! On writing a short story and submitting it. It’s been a long time coming. I’m such a slow editor that I write tons but editing takes me forever.
Yes, editing and revision take me forever too. This particular story, though, I couldn’t even write in the way I liked. I just kept starting over and over again. I think it’s good now, but still hoping to get some more feedback on it.